38 Replies to “Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship Project”

  1. To Whom it May Concern,

    Please let this serve as notification that Avery Segal is currently studying in Ghana as a Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad program participant. The YES Abroad program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Please find a press release announcing Avery’s selection and an outline of the program following. Avery has been a wonderful member of the YES Abroad community since applying.

    I would be glad to provide further details of Avery’s participation as a YES Abroad student upon request.


    Allen Evans
    Sponsored Programs Specialist
    US Sending Initiatives
    CBYX, YES Abroad


    1 Whitehall St, Fl. 2
    New York, NY 10004



    Avery Segal Wins Full Scholarship to Study in Ghana for a Year

    New York, NY – Avery Segal, a high school student in Naples, FL, has been awarded one of 50 scholarships to study abroad with the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad program.

    The YES Abroad program is operated under funding by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The merit-based award covers the full cost of an academic year, providing Avery a full immersion experience through living with a host family and attending a Ghanaian high school.

    Avery was selected as a YES Abroad Finalist from a national pool of applicants. The application process includes various stages, including a national Selection Event attended by all Semi-Finalists. Finalists will serve as “youth ambassadors” in their host countries, promoting mutual understanding through forming lasting relationships with their host families and friends.

    Through Avery’s participation in the YES Abroad program, he is in the forefront of citizen diplomacy, and will develop the skills necessary to be a leader in the global community.

    The YES Abroad program was initiated as an extension to the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program. The YES program was first authorized by the U.S. Congress in the aftermath of September 11th as an effort to increase dialogue and understanding between the U.S. and countries with significant Muslim populations. Initially created as a program for international high school students to live and study in the U.S., the YES program was expanded in 2007 to include YES Abroad for American high school students. The YES Abroad program provides opportunities for Americans to study for up to one year in select countries including Ghana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Oman, Thailand and Turkey.

    The YES Abroad program is administered by a consortium of non-profit organizations led by American Councils for International Education and including AFS-USA, AMIDEAST and iEARN-USA. Exchanges taking place in Ghana are administered by AFS-USA. AFS is a worldwide, nonprofit organization that has been a leader in international exchange for more than 60 years. Visit http://www.afsusa.org for more information on studying abroad, hosting an exchange student, or bringing intercultural learning into your classroom.

    For more information about the YES Abroad Program, including information on how to apply for the 2012-13 academic year, visit http://www.yesprograms.org/yesabroad.

    Contact: Eva Crawford, ecrawford@afs.org, 800.876.2376 x1187


  2. Avery has been an extraordinary youth throughout his young life. Fearless, unstoppable, funny, boisterous – these are the first adjectives that come to mind when I think of him. He is also thoughtful of others and generous to peers and adults alike. Avery follows through on projects large and tiny. He’s extremely reliable and willing to take educated risks. He does his research, explores all possible options and angles of options, then makes an informed decision. One of my colleagues knew him as a shy kindergarten student 14 or so years ago. At first, he would hide under his desk to avoid interaction with strangers. Now, he meets strangers with ease :):). He’s extroverted, an actor and writer or high caliber, taps into his high level of creativity with ease. Avery is comfortable in his own skin, articulate with all age groups, and interesting. I know his time in Ghana will have a positive impact with those he comes into contact with routinely. And he will take away new wisdom and understanding of the world and humanity. I’m certain he’s writing a new play all about these experiences as I am writing in this blog- my first ever.

    Thank you to the YES program for providing such a unique and marvelous opportunity to such a deserving student, 1 of only 50 in the U.S.! Truly incredible! Tulane would be making a wonderful decision selecting him for the Dean’s Honors Scholarship. He is definitely one of the top students I’ve known in my 25 years as a high school counselor and adjunct college professor, interacting with more than 100.000 students over the decades.

  3. To Whom it May Concern,

    Avery Segal was an improv and acting student of mine for many years through the KidzAct program in Naples at the Sugden Theatre on into his young adult years at the Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs just before he left for Ghana. I have watched this kid grow up into a young man, all the while knowing he was especially gifted. Not only did he amaze me and make me laugh while on stage, but also I love the way he interacts with people. He treats every person young and old with respect and love. Improv requires such an ability to listen and work together as a team and Avery shines in every scene.

    I give my whole hearted endorsement of Avery Segal for this scholorship to Tulane.

    Craig Price
    Performing Arts Director
    Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs

  4. Dear Reader,

    My friend Avery Segal is one of the most energetic, positive, intellegent and interesting people I’ve met in quite a long time. Like Avery, I am on the YES Abroad Scholarship, spending my year in Oman. As a fellow exchange student I know how hard the challenges of studying abroad are, and how difficult it is to adjust to and accept the things we cannot change. Or on the contrary, I know how hard it is fighting for things we can change. Avery is certainly the type of person to wisely examine opportunities and make the best decisions for a positive change.

    Avery is also exceptionally creative. If you’ve had the opportunity to watch any of his hilarious videos, you would’ve seen this automatically. He has enabled friends and family back home to relate to his experience, and to more accurately understand the life of a Ghanaian.

    He has done this through his videos, as well as his blog, which is where I believe his best talent shines. You only need to sift through a couple of his entries such as “Gratefulness“, and “Homosexuality in Ghana” to know how he has touched his readers. I’ve even recommended his blog on my own blog of Oman (wannabeomani.blogspot.com).

    Avery is an exceptional person. He is a writer, travelor, scholar, an actor and ambassador, and truly deserves the Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship. He is certainly not one to waste such an opportunity, but instead one to truly embrace every part of it that would allow him to reach his full potential.

  5. Hello Tulane University Scholarship commitee,

    My name is Adriana Haws, and I am currently is Ghana with Avery on a YES Abroad Scholarship.

    Every Saturday for the past two months, we’ve taken drumming lessons together. On the first week, Avery was TERRIBLE. He was always off beat, and couldn’t get any of the rythems correct.

    But Avery isn’t the type of person to give up. He proceeded to buy a drum, and practice constantly. He got better every week, and now is the best drummer in our group!

    The point of this story is to show Avery’s dedication. Avery puts his heart and soul into everything he does, and I am certain that he will bring this aspect of himself to Tulane if he receives your Dean’s Honor Scholarship.

  6. To the Tulane Scholarship Committee-

    I remember the first time I met Avery. We were at the YES Abroad Scholarship selection event, and, in my mind, he was one of the few people who was completely ready for this honor. One of the aspects of his character that struck me especially was his exceptional sense of humor. At our selection event for the YES Abroad program, we had a talent show, and one of the star acts was most certainly Avery’s monologue, which he had just performed at a festival. His passion for theater shined through in this instance.

    Avery and I were in contact briefly before the selection event via the internet. We had talked a bit about our hopes for the YES program and our shared love of donuts. Then, when my flight arrived, he came to say hello to me. This, to me, shows what an outgoing person he is–coming to greet someone he really does not know.

    The purpose of the YES Abroad scholarship is to be a good ambassador, and I am quite sure that Avery is one of the best. He sees things from an open-minded point of view and is willing to try many new things–like going to Ghana. I know that there are not very many American high school students who would be willing and able to drop their lives to go live as a year in Africa. I know that I personally would have a hard time doing so, but my conversations with Avery have taught me a little bit more about what Ghanaian life is like. I think that, for many of his friends and family members, he has done the same, in his typical insightful, witty way.

    I would highly recommend Avery Segal for the Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship, and I am sure that he would be a delightful addition to your campus both in terms of intellectual and social life.

  7. To the Tulane Scholarship Committee

    My name is Aisha Nartey and am the Cultural Affairs Assistant at the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy, Accra, Ghana. Our office supervisors the Youth Exchange and Study program that is ran by AFS-Ghana. I have know Avery for almost 3 months since he came to Ghana on the YES program. He comes across as a strongminded, mature, intelligent and truthful person who knows exactly what he wants, and what to do with his life. I noticed his creativity in his narration of his experiences in Ghana and how he makes difficult situations hilarious.

    I feel very confident awarding him a scholarship to Tulane University will be beneificial not only to him, but to anyone who will have contact with him. This is because, being an exchange student on several programs he will share is rich cultural experiences on your campus with regards to the different people he has met from different countries on the exchange program.

  8. Association with Avery has proven to be akin to traveling around the world. His adventures in cultures far and wide have given Avery a signature youth. He’s packed so much into his extraordinary life. I associated with Avery for three years whilst he attended Middle School here at Pine Ridge but never had the pleasure of his company in class. Avery chose rather to be a part of the Scholar Bowl team I coached and for three consecutive years, we saw him grow from a confident sixth grader into a confident eighth grader, captaining the team even as a 7th grader. His introduction at a match’s onset always had people rolling with laughter and years later, opponents were still asking about him. He has this thing about turtles too; just ask him about it.

    Avery is unobtrusive without being shy, withdrawn yet loquatious and charming but genuine. He has treated me to pecans encased in a sugary coating every Christmas since our introduction to each other and my receiving this gift each year has absolutely nothing to do with my willingness to post my hearty recommendation for Avery to be one of the students you choose for this scholarship.

  9. To Whom It May Concern:

    I am very pleased to recommend Avery Segal for the Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship. As his AP Macro Economics Teacher I have watched this young man develop both academically and personally into a mature individual.

    Avery is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded. His grades have been consistently above average in all of his courses, and he has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from clubs, scholastics, and sports.

    It is clear to me as I hope it is to you that this young man, Avery Segal, is an exceptional candidate, one that would contribute greatly to any program. I wholeheartedly recommend him and wish him the very best in all future endeavors.

    Anthony Partello
    Barron Collier High School

  10. My name is Justin Segal and I am Avery’s proud older brother. Avery is the type of warm, caring charismatic person that brings people together. He is also incredibly creative and resourceful as you will see with the video he made for my recent wedding. One day I sent him a message on Facebook asking him to Skype live into our reception. We quickly discovered that Ghanaian bandwidth could not handle the streaming, so I gave him a little over 2 weeks to create a video which would be shown and I asked him to “prove” he was in Ghana. The video was a huge hit with my guests and took him over 40 hours with the editing. Avery is experiencing a culture which will make him a better person when he returns home. I was blown away when he told me that he spent hours teaching the children at the end enough English so they could send us well wishes. Furthermore, Avery has immersed himself in first the South Korea and now this Ghana experience. His blog and writing are addictive and I am looking forward to seeing the next chapter in his life….college!

    Justin “Bubby” Segal

  11. I met Avery when he applied for and was selected from multiple other high school juniors from Naples Florida for a 5 week program to the Republic of Korea run by the Experiment in Internation Living and sponsored by the Naples Council on World Affairs. As a previous Chairman of the NCWA School Outreach Committee and having lived in South Korea I met with Avery prior to his summer program. Upon his return I have met with Avery, his father, and his mother, on multiple occasions. Avery has impressed me as a true self starter, as a very creative young man, as an intelligent and very dedicated student, who knows what he wants to do, and will definitly put in the time and the effort to achieve his objectives. I am proud to add my name to those who are recommending Avery for Tulane.

    Marvin L. Easton, International Marketing Consultant, IBM – retired.

  12. Dear Committee,

    Avery Segal is one of my dearest friends. I first met him three years ago when I moved down to Florida to finish school. It was a very difficult time in my life, I didn’t know anyone. Without hesitation Avery took me in as a friend and changed my life. He brought joy to every moment I was with him. He is creative, inspiring, ridiculously intellegent and always knows what to say and do. He was involed in so many things at school but always had time for his friends and family. He manages his time well and works very hard at everything he does. He has always sought wise counsel and encourged others to do so as well. He soaks in everything that he can, always wanting to learn more. Being involved in an improv, he has this amazing ability to blend in and adapt to every situation, he can always be involved. It would be a poor choice to not have him represent Tulane University. He is a prize.

    Thank you for your time.
    Nikki DeLong

  13. I had the honor of working with Avery for 4 years (I was his drama, speech & debate teacher). During that time, Avery received MANY accolades for acting and playwriting and received many superior ratings and several critic’s choice awards. Avery is extremely creative, highly motivated and would, undoubtedly be an excellent addition to your program.

  14. I am so proud to be Avery’s aunt. He is a lovely young man. Kind, honest, sensitive and caring. Exceptionally intelligent and riotously funny. Avery has the ability to convey his thoughts and experiences in ways that make them accessible. This is true whether he is writing about being in a potentially crushing mob at a soccer/football game or video-blogging to his brother’s wedding reception. He is fearless and thoughtful, which I estimate to be a winning combination. Avery will do great things with his life. It would be wonderful if he could do some of them at Tulane.

  15. To the Tulane Selection Committee:

    My name is Susan Jones and I am a full time instructor for the Florida Virtual School. I had the pleasure of having Avery Segal as one of the students in the HOPE Course (Health Opportunities through Physical Education). I have been an educator for over 30 years and Avery is one of those rare outstanding students a teacher never forgets. He is creative, witty, intelligent and very personable. His work was outstanding and he actually gave me permission to use some of his assignments as examples for other students. I still use them on a daily basis and smile every time I see one or think of Avery. While he was completing my class on-line he had the opportunity to travel to Korea for five weeks. This did not stop him or even slow him down. He still was able to work diligently in my course and completed with a near perfect grade. It is with great pride that I recommend Avery to attend your fine university; truthfully, it would be a great loss to not have him representing you. He is dedicated and will give you better than his best in anything that he attempts or puts his mind to.

    Susan Jones
    Florida Virtual School Instructor

  16. Tulane University Scholarship Committee,

    I was put in contact with Avery last year when I was selected for the Naples Council on World Affairs scholarship to go abroad to China. Avery had been selected for the same scholarship the year before me; he went to South Korea.

    Before embarking, I had never been abroad, so naturally I was very nervous and had many questions. Avery, who had never even met me, answered every question from what to pack, to what to expect. When I emailed him a few sentences of questions, he always responded less than a day later with over a page of detailed answers. He even offered to meet with me personally (he could tell I was very anxious).

    When I returned from China, I had a taste for travel. After I learned that Avery had gotten a scholarship to live abroad for an entire year, I again started emailing him with my questions. Avery gave me the information for every scholarship program I could possibly interested in. He also, without my asking, gave me several suggestions as to reading material I would like, and websites that would put me in contact with others who, like us, were interested in world affairs.

    After I started my application to the scholarship programs, Avery was the person I would always go to with all my questions. He helped me through the entire process, which I would not have known about without him.

    Avery Segal should be awarded the Dean’s Honor’s scholarship to Tulane University because not only would he be a fantastic and dedicated addition to your university, but also he would attract other interesting and hardworking students.

    Rebecca Henkind

  17. Committee,

    I have known Avery for only a few years, but his life has influenced mine and I see that it has influenced others. I met Avery when we were studying abroad in South Korea our Junior year in high school and it was through Avery that I realized that there was more to this trip than what the eye just saw. Avery was always the first to ask questions about the food, culture, music and what happened next because he is always prepared and takes time to expand his knowledge even if the knowledge he gains does not assist him later in life. At this point in time, I attend the University of Iowa and have learned that the skills we learned when we were over in South Korea have helped me continue my education and I believe that Avery Segal deserves this scholarship because he has lived and experienced more than a lot of students can say they have. And what is more interesting is the fact that he is willing to share it.

    Thank you for your time and I hope you will consider Avery Segal as one of the students to receive your scholarship.
    Allison Hanson

  18. Dean’s Honor Scholarship Selection Committee:

    I have only known Avery for a year and a half but have heard of him from his classmates in my classroom for the past four years. He was enrolled in my Spanish IV Honors classroom last year and he impressed me with his maturity and his level of independent learning of the spanish language in which he took part in before coming to my class. Avery is an extremely intellegent and talented young man who uses his unique way of thinking in his every day life. In my 26 years of teaching, I can think of very few kids who deserve an opportunity such as this- but Avery Segal is definitely one of them.

  19. To whom it may concern:

    It is a pleasure to recommend Avery Segal, who was a student in my AP Statistics class during his junior year at Barron Collier High School.

    Avery is a trustworthy, responsible & mature student who completes all of his work succcessfully and with a wonderful attitude.

    I am convinced that he will be an asset to your progam and will meet or exceed all of your expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (239)377-1200 or garcialu@collierschools.com if you have any questions or concerns regarding this student.

    Lucia Garcia
    Mathematics Teacher
    Barron Collier High School

  20. I’ve known Avery since we were both in 7th grade and had the chance to work with him on many projects over the years. No doubt from watching his video you may have noticed he is different, but that’s what makes him stand out from the rest of us. He’s the guy that was willing to forget humility and undertake whatever goal needed to be accomplished. In debates and discussions Avery never settled on merely attending, he was always one of the main components; never shy and never failing to voice his opinion, right or wrong. In high school Avery shocked all of us. First he places second in a national writing competition, then he wins a scholarship to study abroad in South Korea, and then wins a YES scholarship! All he does is win, just like a ‘Masheen’. We all expect Avery to do big things in life and I’m excited to know the guy. He fully deserves the honor of being bestowed your Dean’s Honors Scholarship – I just hope he remembers us ‘small guys’ when he’s in the 1{3a5a0fd47fd42b6497167aecc6170a94848f1ba936db07c4954344fcfff1d528}.

  21. Dear Sir or Madam:
    With great pleasure and enthusiasm, I recommend Mr. Avery Segal for receipt of the Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship. His academic achievements, leadership skills, and commitments both to excellence and to others set him apart from and above his peers. His considerable abilities and exemplary qualities of character make him the ideal candidate and I trust a worthy addition to your community of Scholarship recipients.

    Mr. Segal clearly possesses the qualities your program seeks in its successful applicants. His academic record demonstrates his intelligence. His numerous and time-consuming extracurricular activities indicate maturity, leadership capability, and service to others that easily surpass his peers. In sum, Mr. Segal possesses the essential qualities of character that will enable him to realize his potential in a manner that will bring credit to your Scholarship program.
    In addition to his record, my interaction and experience with Mr. Segal in my capacity as his teacher reveals a pleasant, articulate, and thoroughly engaging young man who sets high standards for himself and devotes boundless energy to achieving them. His pursuit of excellence, a trite term for others, serves as a realistic and the motivating factor for all of his endeavors.

    His high standards, incredible work ethic, and extraordinary commitment do not interfere or in any way inhibit his ability to interact positively with his classmates. In my class, for example, Mr. Segal easily and warmly conversed with his fellow students. It became readily apparent that he enjoys the friendship of many students, a difficult achievement at times in classes of highly-competitive students. His poise and easy manner of conversation extend to faculty members as well. His pleasant personality adds to any classroom or social occasion.

    In my previous career as a member of the legal staffs of the United States Courts, Ford Motor Company, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan- I observed the corporate and intellectual skills that make a successful professional employee in both the public and private sectors. Upon the completion of his education, any one of these entities would welcome and consider Mr. Segal a valuable addition to its workplace. I enjoy every confidence that he will be successful in whatever career path he chooses to pursue.

    On the basis of my experience with Mr. Avery Segal, I respectfully request the favorable consideration of his application.

    Terrence C. Walters, B.A., J.D.
    Teacher, Barron Collier High School
    Adjunct Professor, Lutgert College of Business, Florida Gulf Coast University

  22. Because I am Avery’s father, it would be reasonable to assume that my glowing appraisal of his talents and capabilities would be biased. But that is not the case. I have been a university professor for many years and have had an opportunity to meet vast legions of young men and women in academe. I can assure you, Avery has qualities that are very rare, precious and unique. I will attempt to describe his special nature, but certainly will not claim any credit for it. I just feel honored and blessed to be the father of this gifted individual.

    It is clear that Avery is very intelligent. I can easily see him earning a Ph.D. from a top tier university in the future. Even in honors and AP courses, it always seemed easy for him to make high grades. I often have secretly wished that his schools had even higher expectations, I am sure Avery would meet any academic challenge. Avery quickly masters new knowledge and quickly integrates information into new skills and competencies. His strong intellectual curiosity leads to autonomous learning and high levels of independent thinking. He is a strong analytical thinker. I have learned that I had better have evidence when expressing my opinions to him. Avery is a very logical thinker and thinks for himself!

    Of course, Avery is much more than a “braniac”, he is a well-rounded person. He is happy, enjoys his life, and loves people. Everyone at his high school seemed to know him, and everyone who knew Avery loved him. He is interesting, personable, and funny – without effort he charms everyone he comes into contact with.
    Avery is an excellent runner and has played soccer for many years. He is an outstanding actor in theatre and even more amazing in improvisational theatre. His humor and creativity have enabled him to develop hilarious scripts, writings, and videos.

    I have witnessed Avery writing and directing short plays, and have marveled at his self-confidence, leadership abilities, and achievement orientation. He is passionate about pursuing his dreams and will not give up until the job is done, and done well.

    I have seen the many relationships Avery formed during summer 2010 in South Korea. More recently, in Ghana, Avery has quickly adapted to other unfamiliar surroundings and has learned to learn, grow, and thrive in this unfamiliar environment. In both cases, he has touched many lives in a special way and made new life-time friends. In the process, he has matured and transformed himself. He has developed a great deal of compassion and many deep insights into the nature of human conditions and experiences.

    Avery will never accept mediocrity for himself. I have neither pressured, bribed, punished, nor restricted him in any way to induce him to perform better. Avery is guided by a powerful internal compass. He knows what he needs to do and he just does it, on his own initiative.

    Avery is charismatic, yet solid and trustworthy, so he earns peoples’ support, respect, and trust. This is a gift that will enable him to accomplish great things during his lifetime. I personally believe that Avery has the potential to become a great leader, someone who will really make a difference in the world.
    Avery’s middle name is “Lucas” which translated means “bearer of light.” I see him becoming an admirable, inspirational person, someone to whom others will look up to — a beacon of light for others in a troubled world.

    I recommend Avery for the Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship without reservation based upon his past accomplishments and future potential. I am confident that there will not be any regret for this decision.

    Dr. Gerry Segal

  23. Avery Segal is one of the most gifted, charismatic and personable young men I know. His character is most sincere and real. His personality exudes life. His mind reveals deep thought, reaching beyond his natural age, and an extraordinary level of unique creativity. His heart loves, gives and challenges everyone he meets, regardless. I am honored to know and recommend him for the Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship. Sincerely, Pastor Michael Delong, Mdiv., German Minstries, Naples FL.

  24. To Whom it May Concern,

    My name is Noelle DeHarpporte, I am the Communications Officer for the YES Program in Washington, DC with American Councils for International Education. In my role, I read YES Abroad student blogs and occasionally pull them for posting on the YES website or on the Kennedy-Lugar YES Abroad Facebook fan page. It is difficult for me to not simply use every post that Avery has written! The insight he offers into Ghanaian culture make me laugh and sometimes inspire tears. The creativity with imagery and descriptive phrases he uses in his writing helps to put the reader in his shoes, and we sometimes feel as though we, too, have eaten one too many coconuts.

    While I have not had the pleasure, yet, of meeting this young man in person, I have been thoroughly impressed by what I have learned of him through his blogging. He is clearly admired by his peers and well loved by those close to him. I can see from comments left by his friends and family that he makes them very proud.

    It is not required to keep a blog while on the YES Abroad program, but many students do start one. Avery has taken on keeping this blog with great enthusiasm and dedication. He very maturely and confidently lets us into part of his world, and we are all very happy he does.

    I am sure he would take on representing Tulane with the same serious gusto and enthusiastic intent.

    Sincerely, Noelle DeHarpporte, Washington, DC

    My name is Lorenda A – Parker; I am a Ghanaian and on a national contract with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ghana. I met Avery through a couple of friends who were also with the AFS.

    Avery is a delight to be with as you never tire of his wit and charisma. Ghanaians value respect for their culture especially. Avery, for his already brief stay in Ghana, has totally immersed himself into the Ghanaian culture so much that one would not find it hard to believe, if one was told, that Avery was born in Ghana (minus his rich American accent of course).

    He does not reflect his age in his speeches; I have only met him a couple of times, but can boldly say that I have no doubt what a very important man he will make one day. He is an excellent writer, (my favourite of his blog posts: are the Death of Kim Jong-il and Gratefulness) and he is uniquely intelligent like no other.

    He was always the youngest in our little group, which we preferred to call the ‘United Nations’ because we were all from different countries. Avery ALWAYS, ALWAYS managed to capture EVERYONE’S attention! If Tulane Dean’s Honour Scholarship Project is looking for someone worthy of acceptance of its scholarship, Avery Lucas Segal is the best candidate. I must say that I am truly privileged to have known this incredibly talented young man.

  26. My name is Marvin Glover. I’m Avery’s cousin. I am proud to add my name to the list of Avery’s supporters. He’s a great kid. Now you’d expect a relative to say something like that but this is different. The difference is how I define the word ‘Great’. Most relatives will call their kids ‘great’ using an off the shelf meaning like definition 1 in Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. “Great” 1. Notably large. One look at Avery and you know immediately that this is not what I mean. To get to my definition of Avery’s greatness you have to go way down to definition 9 which reads, ‘Markedly superior in character or quality; esp : noble ’

    In my opinion Avery is a Great Soul and I believe that all his many great accomplishments flow from that. As you doubtless know you don’t become a Great Soul overnight or without great effort. What we have here is someone who has totally invested himself in the great work of perfecting his humanity. What’s really great about Avery is that the effort he puts into everything he does doesn’t look like work, it looks like play. How great is that?

    It’s one thing to make yourself great and another to make those around you feel great. Avery has that kind of infectious greatness. An investment in Avery is therefore an investment in ourselves. I therefore ask that you give Avery the scholarship, not just because he deserves it but because he’ll make you glad you did.

  27. I met Avery about a year ago and I can honestly say that I’ve never met someone as hardworking and humble as he is. He has a great heart and is friendly to everyone. As an actor he takes his roles seriously and puts all his efforts into whatever he is working on. Avery is not only a fantastic actor and playwright, but also an amazing friend. Overall he is a well-rounded young man who is very deserving of your prestigious scholarship.

  28. I met Avery about a year ago when I transferred from the Gulf Coast Drama Club to the Barron Collier drama club. As a home schooled student I had difficulty fitting into the club and Avery was one of few that made me feel welcome. He is a talented actor and playwright, who actually inspired me to write a play of my own. Avery always exceeds expectations and I know that he is very deserving of this scholarship.

  29. Avery demonstrates excellence in whatever endeavor he partakes. It is extraordinary hearing about Avery’s latest accomplishments. Many people do not experience such a wide range of talents or worldly journeys in a lifetime, as he has at such a young age. Avery will continue to amaze others and better humanity on the way.

    I highly recommend Avery for the Tulane Dean Honor Scholarship Project. He will not only benefit from this program but contribute to it as well.

  30. I have known Avery all of his life. When he was a young boy we were not as close; however, we knew we were cousins in a family that was not that large. A twenty plus year difference in our ages left us with little in common growing up. Avery was a quiet and shy child, which is nothing like he is today and nothing like he will become as he gets more and more worldly and educated. We became closer over the past few years. Social media had a lot to do with it. Since we lived on opposite sides of the state we did not see each other often and keeping in touch electronically reconnected us as family. As we got closer I began to feel a strong respect for Avery and his educational choices and sacrifices.

    Going to Korea was an educational experience like no other or so I thought and then he told us about Ghana. I thought “wow” what a big step to leave the warm confines and security of home and family for a country where the unknown was commonplace. I sat and talked to him before he left and was amazed at how much he had grown. Not just in size but in maturity. Knowing he was raised vegan I asked what he was going to do about meals and without thought he told me “I will respect the family that I will be living with and immerse myself in the new culture” even at the risk of compromising all he had known growing up. I knew then that he would be giving 110{3a5a0fd47fd42b6497167aecc6170a94848f1ba936db07c4954344fcfff1d528} to this opportunity of a lifetime. Not because of the fact that he may have to experience new foods, but because he was willing to live as the Ghanaian family lived and be open to the experiences this culture could offer him.

    I also thought how many young adults would give up both his older brother’s wedding and the holidays here in the states for an experience like this? Plus the fact that doing this for almost a year would delay the start of college and his academic advancement. Avery has made the most of this experience knowing what he was missing out on in his home town. I, myself, feel like I am experiencing the Ghanaian culture and becoming more knowledgeable in their cultural practices through his communications back to the states. Avery is a superstar in my book! Any university would be lucky to have him. He has the dedication and commitment to follow through and do great things with his life. I for one am his number three cheerleader only behind his parents and my parents (his Aunt and Uncle). He is well deserving of the scholarship! You will not be disappointed!

    Respectfully yours,
    Cathy Sakers (Avery’s cousin)

  31. My name is Zach, and I am Avery’s second older brother. I would like to extend my recommendation of Avery for the Tulane University Dean’s Honor Scholarship to the scholarship committee. I believe Avery is an excellent candidate for this scholarship – he exemplifies a great balance both as an academic scholar and out of the classroom. He loves challenging himself, and throws himself into things he is passionate about head first.

    Avery also has many talents and hobbies that help make him a well-rounded individual. Avery is a world traveler, and has had eye-opening experiences in many foreign countries. He loves immersing himself into new cultures and living like a local. Avery is also a talented chef and food aficionado, a soccer athlete and coach, an actor and playwright, and much more.

    Avery is an ambitious person capable of amazing things and has an exciting future ahead of him. I hope Tulane will be a part of it.

  32. I have been reading the many posts that have been written about my son for the past week. I am so proud to say that I am Avery’s Mom (I always capitalize the word Mom). I know that this is how all Mom’s feel but nevertheless, it is my truth. I am so happy & grateful to have the honor of having Avery in my life.

    Avery has always been a unique child. If he wanted to do something & nobody else did, he’d still do it. He speaks his truth in a gentle yet strong way. He has a broad group of friends & communicates with everyone on an equal base, whether they are his peers or adults. His sense of humor & exuberance are contagious.

    Avery was 12 years young when his Dad was teaching in New Zealand for a semester. I decided to send him there for his Dad’s 2 week holiday break. You could say that this was the beginning of Avery becoming a world student. How many Mom’s would do this? Not many, but I knew that this would be good for him. Little did I know that this would be the start of his many life journeys.

    I honestly believe that Avery will be an asset to your school. He soaks up knowledge like a sponge & loves to participate in many extracurricular activities as you have read about. He has done his research & has chosen Tulane. Receiving one of the Dean’s Honor Scholarships will be a great honor for him and he will make you proud as well.

    Respectfully yours,
    Sue Segal

  33. Although we live in different states, my routine visits to the Segal family throughout Avery’s life have enabled me to get to know my nephew well. I enjoy Avery’s company, and have observed that people of all ages enjoy being around him. I believe this is due to the fact that he possesses a unique combination of many positive human qualities including a strong intellect, wildly imaginative creativity, curiosity, caring, and humility. His caring, respect, and interest in other people really shines through in his interactions.

    Avery clearly has a solid work ethic, and successfully uses his intellect to satisfy a strong curiosity of cultures. However his curiosity and openness to new experiences is not solely academic; he challenges himself to grow personally through these experiences. Avery is honestly interested in the human experience, both familiar and unfamiliar. Although intelligent, he does not boast of his many accomplishments. Instead, he wants to take others along for the ride. For instance, Avery is working hard to share his experiences in Ghana through his current blog. His efforts are successful, as I am learning quite a bit from his skilled writing. Avery’s ability to simultaneously entertain and inform others is a delight.

    Although his academic ability is obviously a strength, there are two other aspects of his personality which define Avery for me. Those characteristics are a genuine caring for others and strong communication skills. Over the years we have had many discussions about what he’s learning both in and outside of school. His enjoyment in sharing is apparent, as Avery has always been willing to share information and his excitement of various subjects in a very patient and kind manner. I find him to be a skilled listener, so conversations are highly interactive. He is truly interested in reaching out to others and getting to know their perspective. For instance, throughout my years of visiting him, he has been more than willing to come with me to the beach with me at 6 a.m.! He has done this to experience what I care about and understand my point of view. Avery is open-minded, wanting to understand others’ perspective, and this is reflected in his year abroad.

    I’m sure that Avery will contribute very positively to the university setting. What will he contribute? Who knows! With Avery, the process of discovery is part of the fun. Given his unique combination of current skills and desire to learn, I’m sure his contributions will make any institution proud to have him as a student. Through his fun loving, yet introspective nature, I’m sure that Avery will help to forge bonds between and within groups while he continues to challenge himself

  34. To whom it may concern:

    One day I found myself very bored while perusing the internet. Somehow I stumbled across a quote that brought a very dear friend to mind. The quote was by a man named Albert Camus, and went like this; “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend”.

    To me this ideology has always encapsulated my friend Avery. Since the first day I met him, I’ve known that Avery isn’t like everyone else. Avery has what most people will never even understand – Avery has a big heart. Although he is briliantly minded, creative, smart, and inventive, all of his atributes will never compare to what his heart makes him as a person. What I have to say about Avery, I say not as a friend, but as a provider of the best advise anyone can give: Avery deserves this scholarship. Not because he is an unbelievable and loyal friend or becasue he is a remarkable person, but because he has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met.

    Andrew Mazzarella

  35. It is my pleasure and honor to recommend Avery for the Tulane Dean’s Honor Scholarship. I had the privilege of working with Avery as his middle school advanced science teacher in both 6th and 8th grade. I can still picture Avery with his constant smile. Like “Happy” of the seven dwarves Avery was a cheerful student even while working very hard. Academically Avery was an excellent student who often exceeded the high standards of my advanced science class. He was consistently focused, respectful, and motivated. Avery’s intelligence, heart, humor, compassion and tenacity will allow him to accomplish during his life what others may only dream of doing.

    Greg Anthony

  36. Like Averys parents, brothers, family, and teachers, I have read all the accolades left in Averys name and find them all to be different, yet the same.

    I have always found Avery to be charming, fun and always caring to family, friends and classmates. When I heard he was going to South Korea last year, I was so
    excited for him to be learning about new cultures and beliefs of other persons. This trip to Ghana, I admit I was a little worried. It’s far from home, an even different culture, and a longer time. But he was ready for this challenge in his life and is also ready for the challenge of Tulane.

    Avery is an amazing person, both in school and in his personal life. He ecompasses everyone and makes them all welcome to share his works, thoughts and the travels hes gone on. He will truly be a wonderful addition to your scholarship program and I hope you will consider him.

    Thank you,
    Carole Petty

  37. To Whom It May Concern,

    Avery Lucas Segal is one of the best people I can say I have in my life. He makes me smile, laugh, think, run harder, faster, and stronger. We met about 4 years ago through theater and I can honestly say he is the brightest student out there.

    His work ethic is amazing and his drive for fulfillment and happiness in life is truly one to be taken into consideration. Avery deserves this scholarship because he never stops short of the finish line, and wouldn’t even let himself if he wanted to. I have a great bond with him and know that whenever I need something he will always be there. We have shared many great memories together throughout the years, and I can’t wait to see what lies in store for him. Tulane shouldn’t either.

  38. I had the pleasure of having Avery in my AP Microeconomics course last year. He demonstrated enthusiasm, focus and broad world view in his course work as he also displayed in his video.

    Of all the applicants you will consider this year, I can assure you Avery will be worthy of note and will add value to your university. Should you have further questions about him, please contact me.


    Joseph Crain, M.Ed.
    AP Economics, AP US Govt
    Florida Virtual School

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