SAS: One Week Countdown

I leave for San Diego and Semester at Sea in a week.

Um… what? I still can’t believe this is really happening and am in awe of everything. Particularly the fact that I will soon be on a boat for four months taking classes as I make my way through three continents and twelve countries.  Thank you to everyone associated with the ISE and the Tung family for this awesome opportunity.

My to-do list is still pretty extensive… and is almost identical to what it was two weeks ago. Whoops? Items still on my list include making a packing list, creating a binder of ideas for attractions to see in each country, phonetically translating important phrases in each language, buying a plane ticket for the summer in China, and figure out if I need to buy one small overhead compartment suitcase or if I can make do with just a trail pack and a backpack.

Internet on Semester at Sea is very limited. Essentially I’ll have unlimited access to Wikipedia, Wikitravel, a couple of news websites, and my Semester at Sea e-mail account. The rest of the web is only accessible by using minutes, which come at fairly outrageous prices. Thankfully I’ll be able to keep up my blog via my e-mail, so that’s all set. The best way to keep in touch is by subscribing to my blog by using the link on the right toolbar of this page. This will give you an e-mail every time I upload a new blog post. Also, is the Semester at Sea e-mail address that I will be using on the boat.

Happy New Year!

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